Heart Attack Warning Sign - Nurses Of America / Nursing Association

Signs You’re About To Have A Heart Attack

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There are 4 terrifying things that can happen right before you have a heart attack.

There are 4 terrifying things that can happen before you die of a heart attack. If losing your life wasn't bad enough, the entire experience is something you want to avoid at all costs. It's painful and humiliating. 
 Fortunately, new research has uncovered a heart protecting secret that very well could save your life. This FREE presentation reveals the truth about how painful heart attacks are, and something simple you can do to prevent one.
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*These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition, consult your physician before using this product.
These aren’t subtle warning signs. No, far from it. In fact, they’re downright terrifying.
And if your heart is lucky enough to make it through these 4 traumatic events, well, theres still more bad news to come.
If youre at all worried about dying of a heart attack, you MUST know these 4 signs your heart is in trouble
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As we continue to fight against the obesity epidemic in the United States there has been a renewed focus on cardiovascular health. Not only is your heart one of the strongest muscles in your body but it also regulates other systems as well.

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Nurse on practice manikin Nursing is one of those career choices that give people an opportunity to serve and nurse the needful. Just like doctors, nurses are a crucial asset
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 From blood flow to oxygen to the brain, your heart has many functions, so it’s important to do everything you can to keep your heart healthy and strong. Thankfully, there are many steps you can taken when it comes to improving your heart health as well as your overall health in general. 
You only have one body so it’s important that you treat it with the respect it deserves.

First, one of the most important aspects to a healthy heart is your diet. While this is a no-brainer as all health stems from what you eat, when it comes to your heart this rings especially true.

'Ten Golden Rules for Nurses''
It’s no secret that hospitals and healthcare are undergoing tremendous changes. Medical and nursing associations are struggling to maintain quality patient care and
hospitals are focused on the bottom line in order to stay alive.

 A diet that consists of mainly empty calories that is high in fat can end up encasing your heart and creating plaque in your blood vessels. This plaque can restrict the blood flow to your heart which can cause a heart attack. LEARN MORE
Research has found that a moderate diet of healthy fats such as omega-3s like salmon can help keep your heart strong and healthy. If you don’t like fish you can easily take omega supplements.

Another tip for improving your heart health is by getting proper exercise and moving more. A simple 30 minute walk per day can improve your circulation and get your heart pumping.
 The worst thing you can do is stay immobile throughout your entire day. If you simply get up and walk around the office one an hour it can make a huge difference. 

You also want to be sure that you are moving all parts of your body—arms and legs. This way you get blood flowing throughout your entire body. '' LEARN MORE HERE''

You may not realize this but yoga is actually a great way to improve your cardiovascular function and health. The stretching of the muscles and holding various poses increases blood flow to all of your muscles. It also relieves stress which is great for your heart. 

Research has shown that people who take part in yoga at least three times per week have a significant reduction in their risk for a heart attack. LEARN MORE''

While these are just a few tips to get you on your journey to happy heart health, it’s important you always see your doctor if you feel something could be wrong. 

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From abnormal chest pain to trouble breathing (which is related to heart problems) it’s important that you pay attention to any signs your body may be giving you. 

Otherwise eat right, stay moving and try new things that can keep your heart strong and in the best condition its ever been.
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