Nurses Of America -Food Knowledge: Most Dangerous Foods - Eat at Your Own Risk - Very Dangerous
Eat at Your Own Risk - Very Dangerous, Can Cause Death
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Fugu -
Don't let Mr. Peanut's top hat and monocle fool you — beneath that gentlemanly exterior lies one deadly little nut if you're one of the roughly 1% of the population that has a peanut allergy. It's the most common cause of food-allergy deaths, according to the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology. And for little understood reasons, it's on the rise. From 1997 to 2002, incidents of peanut allergy doubled in children.
Leafy greens — including spinach, lettuce, cabbage, arugula and kale — were listed as the riskiest foods of 2009, according to the Center for Science in the Public Interest, which is regulated by the FDA. The group identified 363 separate outbreaks linked to the veggies last year; 240 of those cases were linked to food from restaurants. The majority of contaminations were linked to a pathogen called Nirovirus, which is usually spread by the unwashed hands of an ill food handler or consumer. Other contaminants include E. coli and salmonella, both of which can be introduced during the production phase if the greens come into contact with animal manure, contaminated water or wild animals.
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Aside from the possibility of increased heart rate, trouble sleeping and discoloration of teeth, there's another a way that a cup of joe can be detrimental to your well being. Call it the burned-crotch effect or the java jump and jive, because when that hot liquid hits your lap, you'll stop at nothing to end the pain.
Are you really surprised? Aside from hallucinogenic properties, mushrooms can also kill. Varieties like the Death Cap, Destroying Angels and Deadly Webcap are highly poisonous and capable of inducing death (i.e. killing you). If only there were labels in the wild ...--
Crown of Thorns Fish
The Surgeonfish
The Pufferfish
The Scorpionfish
The Boxfish
The Stingray
The Viperfish
The Lionfish
The Stonefish
Vandellia Cirrhosa
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Fugu - 

Served in paper-thin slices by expert chefs, fugu combines luxury with a high-stakes gamble. The intestines, ovaries and liver of fugu (or blowfish) contain a poison called tetrodotoxin, which is 1,200 times deadlier than cyanide. The toxin is so potent that a lethal dose is smaller than the head of a pin, and a single fish has enough poison to kill 30 people. Because of the high risk, chefs must undergo two to three years of training to obtain a fugu-preparing license, and such expertise raises the price of a fugu dish to up to $200. But this hasn't stopped the Japanese — about 40 kinds of fugu are caught in Japan, and people consume 10,000 tons of the fish every year.
ackee fruit is a mixed blessing. Though originally native to West Africa, it migrated to Jamaica in 1778 and is now the country's national fruit. If improperly eaten, though, ackee can cause what has been dubbed the Jamaican Vomiting Sickness — which, other than the self-explanatory symptoms, can lead to coma or death. Unripe ackee fruit contains a poison called hypoglycin, so preparers must be careful to wait until the fruit's protective pods turn red and open naturally. Once open, the only edible portion is the yellow arilli, which surround always-toxic black seeds. With all that risk comes a delicious payoff — Jamaica's national dish is ackee with codfish. 
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Peanut Panic

Leafy Greens

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Not Exactly Sweet as Pie

Rhubarb, the vegetable so celebrated for its role in pastries that it's also known as the "pie plant," has a kick to it. While rhubarb has a medicinal history originating in Asia, ingesting a large amount of the leaves can cause poisoning. The CDC warns that neither cooked nor raw rhubarb leaves should be consumed, owing to the toxins (including oxalate) they contain. Stick with the stalk.

Better known to Americans as tapioca, the pudding favorite is produced from the roots of this bush-like plant. But the crop can have deadly consequences. If prepared incorrectly, the cassava plant can produce cyanide, a deadly compound when consumed. A small number of people are also allergic to the plant — the American Cancer Society warns that those with a latex rubber allergy might be more susceptible and should consider opting for a different dessert.
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In 1992, McDonald's had some trouble when 79-year-old grandmother Stella Liebeck of New Mexico sued the fast-food company because a scalding cup of 170° coffee caused third-degree burns over 6% of her body, including her thighs, buttocks and groin. Liebeck was awarded $2.86 million (the amount was later reduced in a settlement). McDonald's later lowered the temperature at which it brews coffee and made warning labels more prominent. Coffee giant Starbucks, however, reportedly brews its coffee at higher levels to this day.
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Most marine creatures are not hostile, it’s mainly humans who provoke them leading to stings and bites. The most poisonous fish on our list is found around Australian waters and other parts of the Pacific and Indian oceans. The venomous Belcher’s Sea snake doesn’t make our list because although it dwells in the sea
Most Poisonous Fishes in the world
If you feel a particular species of poisonous fish was left out, please feel free to add or better yet create your own list.
Crown of Thorns Fish

Among starfishes in the world, the Crown of Thorns is the only starfish that is poisonous. Its entire body barring the underside is covered with spines which are venomous. Whenever the Crown of Thorns stings a person using these spines, it releases venom that causes intense pain, redness and swelling.
9. The Surgeonfish

Surgeon Fish essentially is a reef fish related to Cihclids. They attack with their tail which has spines at its base. These spines remain dormant within the tail until the fish that there is no danger. Whenever aggravated the surgeon fish stick out their spines that are like small knives. These highly poisonous spines can even cause death by hypovolemia. The other symptoms are hypertension and extreme pain.
8. The Pufferfish

Although the puffer fish is highly poisonous, it is unable to inject its poison on other creatures. Actually the danger lies in the eating of the fish. Tetrodotoxin, a potent toxin is found in the liver, intestines, skin and ovaries, of the fish, leaving only the muscle tissue that is somewhat safe to eat. In spite of its inherent poison, the pufferfish is a delicacy in countries like Japan and only certified and highly experienced chefs are permitted to set up this scary fish for human consumption.
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7. The Scorpionfish

Scorpion fish belongs to the family of Scorpaenidae that includes stonefish and lionfish. This prickly fish carries it poison in its fins. A sting of the scorpion fish results in extreme pain as also swelling, which can spread to a whole leg or arm within a matter of minutes. Scorpion is found mainly in tropical seas, that included the warm shores of coastal United States. They are found worldwide as a highly popular aquarium fish.
6. The Boxfish

The Box Fish resembles the puffer fish closely. If threatened by larger fishes or divers, it injects a fatal toxin that poisons the whole of its vicinity. Thus other target victim and other nearby creatures are also caught up in the torment. The poison destroys both the red blood cells as also the respiratory function.
5. The Stingray

Stingray is an aggressive fish that whips out its venomous tail in an elegant arc, the same way a scorpion stings. The forward half of its tail can have a maximum of seven spines that this potent fish uses to impose an excruciating, and venomous sting to an aggressor. The spine if breaks off during an attack might get lodged in the body of the victim resulting in extreme bleeding as also infection. The stingray venom causes unbearable pain, muscle cramps, swelling, heart failure and eventual death.
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4. The Viperfish

The 4th of the top ten most poisonous fishes in the world, the Viperfish is a toothy creature this is one of the most poisonous inhabitants of the deep. It’s curving fangs reaches up to its mouth as well as eyes. It possesses an organ named the light producing organ which he utilizes to lure its prey. It stays motionless when a victim approaches and with its rather long body surrounds the bigger victims. Fortunately, the Viper Fish isn’t interested in human beings.
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3. The Lionfish

The Lionfish is considered a highly toxic fish. The venom is present in the dorsal spines and these are used only a defensive measure. Actually, it’s a timid and non-aggressive fish, and envenomation happens just because some creature comes in contact with its spine. The poison gives rise to severe pain, headache, vomiting, hard of breathing, paralysis of every muscle in the body that includes the cardiac muscle, resulting in cardiac arrest and death.
2. The Stonefish

The stonefish is by far a storehouse of venom. It has virulent potent venom stored in its glands, at the bottom of its 13 needle-shaped dorsal fin spines. Most victims injure themselves as they touch or step on it accidentally. The pain is so unbearable that some victims of its potent sting demands that the affected limb should be amputated. The venom can also cause shock, temporary paralysis, and death within a few hours.
1. Vandellia Cirrhosa

Here is the Biggie! We have VANDELLIA CIRRHOSA as the most poisonous fishes in the world. Don’t go with its appearance, It can harm you very badly. This Fish is from South America and normally found in water streams. It’s a fish all covered with sharp little thorns. The main quality it is having is the power of being attracted to blood and urine. It can easily locate the host from the blood and then expands the spines on its target and start sucking the blood from the victim. There is a huge fear among people that the Vandellia can swim into vagina, even penis or even deeper sometimes! Then it does the same thing, expands its spines and start sucking blood. Then it’s roughly unattainable to remove it from your body.
Top 10 Poisonous Foods We Love To Eat
Everyday we chow down on food produced from plants that carry deadly poisons. Most of the time we don’t need to be concerned with this as the mass production of fruit and vegetables ensures that we are usually safe, but from time to time people accidentally kill themselves by unwittingly eating the wrong part of a plant. In order to ensure that this never happens to you, I have put together a list of the most commonly seen poisons that we come in to contact with in our kitchens.
We have all heard of toadstools – and know that they are poisonous, but what many people don’t know is that a toadstool is actually a mushroom, not a separate type of plant. Toadstool is slang for “poisonous mushroom”. While there are some useful signs that a mushroom is poisonous, they are not consistent and all mushrooms of unknown origin should be considered dangerous to eat. Some of the things you can look for to try to determine whether a mushroom is poisonous are: it should have a flat cap with no bumps, it should have pink or black gills (poisonous mushrooms often have white gills), and the gills should stay attached to the cap (not the stalk) if you pull it off. But remember, while this is generally true of many types of mushroom, it is not always true.
A few days ago we had a list of embarrassing deaths, one of which included death by eating the liver of a fugu (pufferfish). The fugu is so poisonous that in Japan, fugu chefs are trained specially for the job and are tested before being a given certificates of practice. The training takes two or three years. In order to pass, the chef must answer a written test then give a demonstration of his cutting abilities. The final part of the test involves the chef eating the pieces of fugu that he has cut. Only 30% of apprentices pass the test – which is not to say that the rest die by eating their fugu – they can fail in earlier parts of the test. Only the flesh of the fugu is consumed as it is less likely to have high amounts of poison (which causes a slight tingling sensation in the mouth). Fugu is the only food officially illegal for the Emperor of Japan to eat – for his safety. Rather than including a photograph of a pufferfish, I have used a youtube clip showing a chef preparing the fugu – it is quite extraordinary.
Elderberry trees are very attractive and quite large. They are covered with thousands of tiny flowers which have a delicate scent. The flowers are used mainly for making elderflower liqueur and soda. Sometimes the flowers are eaten after being battered and deep fried. But beneath the pretty surface lurks danger! The roots and some other parts of the elderberry tree are highly poisonous and will cause severe stomach problems. So next time you decide to pick some elderberry flowers for eating, be sure to eat just the flowers.
Castor Oil
Castor oil, the bane of many of our childhoods, is regularly added to candies, chocolate, and other foods. Furthermore, many people still consume a small amount daily or force it on their unwilling children. Fortunately the castor oil we buy is carefully prepared, because the castor bean is so deadly, that it takes just one bean to kill a human, and four to kill a horse. The poison is ricin, which is so toxic that workers who collect the seeds have strict safety guidelines to prevent accidental death. Despite this, many people working in the fields gathering the seeds suffer terrible side-effects.
Almonds are one of the most useful and wonderful of seeds (it is not a nut as many people would have you believe). It has a unique taste and its excellent suitability for use in cooking have made it one of the most popular ingredients in pastry kitchens for centuries. The most flavorsome almonds are bitter almonds (as opposed to “sweet” almonds). They have the strongest scent and are the most popular in many countries. But there is one problem: they are full of cyanide. Before consumption, bitter almonds must be processed to remove the poison. Despite this requirement, some countries make the sale of bitter almonds illegal (New Zealand regretfully is one of them). As an alternative, you can use the pip from an apricot stone which has a similar flavor and poison content. Heating destroys the poison. In fact, you may not know that it is now illegal in the USA to sell raw almonds – all almonds sold are now heat-treated to remove traces of poison and bacteria.
Cherries are a very popular fruit – used in cooking, liqueur production, or eaten raw. They are from the same family as plums, apricots, and peaches. All of the previously mentioned fruits contain highly poisonous compounds in their leaves and seeds. Almonds are also a member of this family but they are the only fruit which is harvested especially for its seeds. When the seeds of cherries are crushed, chewed, or even slightly injured, they produce prussic acid (hydrogen cyanide). Next time you are eating cherries, remember not to suck on or chew the pip.
Like the previous two items, apple seeds also contain cyanide – but obviously in much smaller doses. Apple seeds are very often eaten accidentally but you would need to chew and consume a fairly high number to get sick. There are not enough seeds in one apple to kill, but it is absolutely possible to eat enough to die. I recommend avoiding apple eating competitions! Incidentally, if you want to eat an apple and find a worm in it (and hopefully not half a worm), you can drop it in a bowl of salt water which will kill the worm.
Rhubarb is a very underrated plant – it produces some of the nicest tasting puddings and is incredibly easy to grow at home. Rhubarb is something of a wonder plant – in addition to an unknown poison in its leaves, they also contain a corrosive acid. If you mix the leaves with water and soda, it becomes even more potent. The stems are edible (and incredibly tasty) and the roots have been used for over 5,000 years as a laxitive and poop-softener.
First off, a little interesting trivia: in the US, thanks to a US Supreme Court decision in 1893, tomatoes are vegetables. In the rest of the world they are considered to be fruit (or more accurately, a berry). The reason for this decision was a tax on vegetables but not fruit. You may also be interested to know that technically, a tomato is an ovary. The leaves and stems of the tomato plant contain a chemical called “Glycoalkaloid” which causes extreme nervousness and stomach upsets. Despite this, they can be used in cooking to enhance flavor, but they must be removed before eating. Cooking in this way does not allow enough poison to seep out but can make a huge difference in taste. Finally, to enhance the flavor of tomatoes, sprinkle a little sugar on them. Now we just need to work out whether they are “toe-mah-toes” or “toe-may-toes”.
Potatoes have appeared in our history books since their introduction to Europe in the 16th century. Unfortunately they appear largely due to crop failure and severe famine, but they will be forever the central vegetable of most western families daily diet. Potatoes (like tomatoes) contain poison in the stems and leaves – and even in the potato itself if left to turn green (the green is due to a high concentration of the glycoalkaloid poison). Potato poisoning is rare, but it does happen from time to time. Death normally comes after a period of weakness and confusion, followed by a coma. The majority of cases of death by potato in the last fifty years in the USA have been the result of eating green potatoes or drinking potato leaf tea.
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