Nursing Association / Nurses Of America

''Nurses Of America The Absolute Forum For All Nurses''
Nurses of America  is available to help students network, share best practices relating to nursing education, discuss clinical/classroom...


  1. In the daily grind of patient care when we are blamed for everything...we forget it's the simple things that mean the most. Never forget to take that time to comfort someone in need. Hold their hand..
  2. =======

''Nursing Student Assistance''

Congratulations on being accepted into a nursing program! This is the place for nursing students to consult the membership to share knowledge, ideas, and experience, and to explore ways to maximize success in nursing school.
 Feel free to seek assistance with difficult content, care plans, interviews, papers, study questions, dosage calculations, and other academic challenges you are facing.

Distance Learning Tips For The Online Nursing Student

Nursing education in the past was all brick and mortar. This is no longer the only avenue to higher education. Distance Learning Tips is for you - the one who wants to bring the classroom to the comfort of your home. Do you have concerns about online learning? Is online learning the same as traditional schooling? Are you really prepared?


''Patient Care Technician / Assistants''

Patient Care Technician / Assistants (PCT/PCA) is available for the individual who provides basic patient care under the supervision of Registered Nurses, Licensed Practical Nurses, Physicians, and/or other Healthcare Professionals
Topics will include measuring vital signs, collecting specimens, observing and reporting patient behavior changes, patient personal hygiene and grooming, utilizing gait belts. 
Other topics will include educative avenues, preparation for certification, and using the training and experience gained to pursue a career in nursing. 

''Student Registered Nurse Anesthetist''

Thinking about a career as a CRNA? Not quite sure what it takes? Student Registered Nurse Anesthetist is available for those in or interested in the program. Here you can discuss questions and concerns regarding, clinicals, and what it takes to be a top candidate.

''Student Nurse Practitioner''

Student Nurse Practitioner is available for the Nurse Practitioner Student and those interested in becoming a nurse practitioner (NP). Ask questions about your current NP program and discuss clinical situations including how to locate a preceptor. Get helpful information from students and seasoned Nurse Practitioners as you seek certification for your specialty area..

LPN to RN Nursing Student

There are many reasons to advance your career from Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) to Registered Nurse (RN). Join those of us who are doing it! LPN to RN Nursing Student is available to discuss educational pathways, nursing programs, expected rewards..

''Nursing Schools, Colleges, and Programs''

The top discussed nursing schools and universities. The right school will provide you with a great start to your nursing career. 
We have thousands of people who have been where you are right now.
 Their knowledge will help you get started in the application process, information on classes, finance, accreditation..

''Cops and Nurses..

Great nursing discussion, what is your experience?So a lot of the nurses I have spoken with believe they have a greater chance of being given a warning, instead of a ticket, for speeding if they have their RN badge visible when they are pulled over. 
Who here has been pulled over on their way to or from work and been given a pass? 
Who has bee ticketed? Is there any truth to it? What you as a nurse? What is your experience with police?  


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