Nurses Of America: WAYS FOR NURSES TO GET PROMOTED - Nursing Alliance - Nurses Association


Are you stuck in one place, one position for so longtime you can even remember how long?

If so, it might be time to consider a promotion.
You shouldn't wait around expecting to be noticed. You can, and should be your strongest supporter.

If you feel like you're ready to take charge, to take more responsibilities; here are a few proactive things you can do to help you take the next level in your career. 
1. If you are just a simple LPN=Licensed Practical Nurse; think about becoming an RN=Registered Nurse, also ad at least a bachelor with it.

 Participate in your company's events, Know your workplace area very well, and do your best to know the people in your company. 

Because, sometimes in life to accomplish certain things, or to occupy certain positions has not much to do with what you exactly know but who do you know...

If you just only have an RN license, common nurse; think about adding something more on the top of your RN licensed. A bachelor, a master or more extra trainings.
The nursing profession always needs: Action - Plan - Ideas
2. Be, or become a solid team player, I don't think you want to rise through without being a team player. Participate, participate, offer your help, your participation.
3. Continue to be passionate about your job, your career. Follow your passion; you should not expect to have a successful career unless you are passionate about it.. 
You have to have passion, purpose.

4. Trainings, trainings, and more trainings. Schooling for higher degree or certification is really about creating opportunities for yourself.

A degree can open multiple doors and help you break barriers. A more advance degree makes more competitive and it also can be a requirement to occupy management positions.
5. Nurture your communication skills; this is becoming more important the further you move up the career ladder, the corporate ladder. 

You need to constantly honing your skills. Believe it or not, people are paying attention to what you say, and how you say it. sometimes is not what you say that really matter, but how you say it...
6. Read voraciously: read about your field, your profession, your career, your industry. You must know what's going on..
Reading can absolutely helping you increase your communication skills.

 Reading increases your written and verbal comprehension, improves your vocabulary and widens your mind on different other topics and subjects.
7. Volunteer for assignments: volunteering yourself for outside of your department that can help broaden your skills and makes you a better candidate for promotion.

Also it's important for nurses to be willing to absorb. Be able to take all you can from others.

Show yourself as very interested in what others have to say. Show others that you care.


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