Nurses Of America Presents World History Of Epidemic And Pandemic

World History Of Epidemic And Pandemic:
The CDC the American center for disease control and prevention continuously keep eyes on  public health for all kind of immediate health dangers. But the American public still and always worries about a possible pandemic.

The Ebola effect, affects the mind of many American just like many other nations affected or not, or not yet see a case yet.
REMEMBER Not too long ago; the cholera and chickengunya in Haiti, a very fragile nation with it's healthcare system which many world's organizations said the system is precarious, but so far this nation is still hanging  strong no matter what. This Caribean nation IT' S people are very resilient.

Now let's look back in history of the USA Number of outbreaks and epidemics that have taking their toll on this big, tall, rich, powerful super nation USA

Yellow Fever year 1668-1853 during which about 9% percent of the Philadelphia's population was killed.

Cholera year 1832-1851 claiming the life of US president James K Polk. This disease has had outbreaks pretty much all over the world. And it's officially  becoming a pandemic multiple times through history and a very large number of people every it touched down. 
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Smallpox epidemic year 1837 caused the fear, big scare this is a serious viral infectious disease that hit the US as early as year 1617.

Typhus:  year 1837- this was a major killer during the American civil war. New Hampshire, Tennessee, Maryland, and Washington DC  where it made it's greatest victims

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Influenza: year 1918 This was not an epidemic but also it was a pandemic because it killed as many adults, children, healthy young people, and elderly.

Measles  This disease was responsible for killing about 20% percent of the Hawaii's population in 1850. Measles was and continues to be no laughing matter it is a serious disease and it can possibly hit at anytime again.
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HIV/AIDS: known in the year 1980's, 1990's, 2000's until today as a world major killer even if people can live longer with the virus, but still there hasn't cure yet. Every year may new medications came out but not what the world is really looking for. A cure, or a vaccine who can stop people catching the disease.

Also remember the avian bird flu, and the swine flu.

I Anthony Jeanty the writer of this article; I am asking myself if cancer, heart attack ,stroke are not epidemic or pandemic? I believe the answer from the medical communities is absolutely NO. WHY, BECAUSE THOSE DISEASES ARE NOT INFECTIOUS DISEASES. And I would say to the medical world maybe because you don't know yet...!!!


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