Nursing Association - WOMEN'S HEALTH OB/GYNS Answer Your Top Questions - Nurses Of America

OB/GYNs answer your top  questions

  2. The 10 best ways to prevent erectile dysfunction.. Easy ways to safeguard your sexual performance. Erectile dysfunction affects approximately 15 to 30 million men in the United States

Don't assume your mood and sleep problems aren't 'ob/gyn issues'

These docs are happy to share the intimate advice they give their friends, but the real lesson they want you to learn is: You can and should ask your own gynecologist anything. In fact, your health depends on it.
"Friends who tell me that they're dealing with bad mood swings and problems sleeping blame it on standard busy-life syndrome and the stress that accompanies it. 

I've had to break it to them that it might be perimenopause—they're often shocked to know it can start in your late 30s. If you're feeling 'off,' tell your ob/gyn. It could be related to changes in your reproductive health, and she can recommend solutions to help you feel better all around. Why suffer in silence?"

Scented shower gel? Not between your legs

"By now, my friends have all heard that douching is a no-no because it can disturb your vagina's healthy bacterial balance. But I find I have to warn them to stay away from those body-wash-type products that are marketed specifically for your vagina. Same goes for scented wipes, sprays, perfumes, shower gels, or fragranced panty liners. Don't put them near the area! When you disrupt your vagina's pH, you open yourself up to yeast or bacterial infections—definitely not what you want. The only soap that should be put near your groin area is a mild and unscented one. Save that coconut stuff for your arms and legs."

HPV is not a sign that your guy is cheating

"Some married friends who have been told by their ob/gyns that they have HPV let their minds jump to the worst conclusions. I'm quick to tell them, 'This does not mean that your husband cheated on you—so please don't go home and hit him over the head with a pan.'

 The fact is, if you test positive for HPV while you're in a monogamous relationship, you could have been infected a long time ago. 

The virus can lie dormant in your body and reactivate many years later if your immune system becomes compromised, like if you're stressed or sick or get pregnant. I also tell my girlfriends not to freak out; most HPV infections will clear on their own and won't lead to cancer." 

ob/gyns are pretty relaxed about their own pregnancies

"I've been pregnant three times, and friends were always surprised by some of my eating habits. But women often limit themselves based on incomplete info. 

I tell friends who think they need to swear off all fish for nine months that it's actually a good source of protein when you're expecting, because it contains lots of omega-3s that are healthy for a developing fetus and can help lower the risk of preterm birth. Just stick to low-mercury choices like salmon and cod, and avoid higher ones like shark and swordfish. I've even eaten sushi while pregnant. 

The truth is, freshly prepared sushi from a reputable restaurant concerned me a lot less than, say, fried chicken from a place I didn't trust: In addition to the fact that it's a lot less healthy, if it's under-cooked or not handled properly, that chicken has more of a chance of harming a pregnant woman. 

As for coffee, you don't have to go cold-turkey decaf, and all of my expectant ob/gyn friends drink it. High amounts of caffeine may be linked to miscarriage, but one cup a day hasn't been shown to cause pregnancy problems." 

Don't go online to compare and despair

"Friends who are trying to conceive say to me all the time, 'Everyone else in the world seems to be pregnant but me.' In part, I blame Facebook. You see your feed and someone is having a baby practically every day. Of course, your doctor should do a fertility evaluation soon after you start trying if you have a known problem with ovulation or have had fertility issues before.

 But if that's not the case, don't let Facebook send you into a panic. It's okay if it's been three months and that stick is still negative. If you're under 35, you need to give it 12 months. Over 35? Six months. If you're not pregnant in that time, your doctor may consider a fertility evaluation, but don't stress yourself out about it until then." 

This birth control has an ob/gyn fan club

"Many of my ob/gyn friends and I love the IUD, but it's amazing how few women are getting on board. It's as effective as having your tubes tied but with the benefit that it's completely reversible. For my friends who are busy women and moms, I explain that taking a pill sounds easy, but it's also easy to forget. 

Depending on the one you get, an IUD can last anywhere from three to 10 years. I've seen women quickly become Mirena converts because it drastically lightened their period from a full-out flood to a tiny sneeze. Of course it varies for each woman, but in general, it lessens bleeding and can be a game changer—especially during beach season."

This is what your vagina looks like after a baby

"Day in and day out, I get the same question from friends: What's going to happen to my vagina after I have a baby? Will it look different? And will my husband be attracted to me? The answer is, it may not look 100 percent the same. Post-baby, the vulva might appear darker in color due to hormones, or the skin may seem a bit more saggy. 

But here's the news flash I deliver: Most guys don't care what it looks like—they are just anxious to get the doctor's okay to resume sex! 
Another thing I tell my friends is to begin exercising again after having a baby, as soon as they get the doctor's okay and can fit it into their busy lives with a newborn.
 I've seen a big correlation between getting back in shape and positive self-esteem, and that matters more than what your vagina looks like in terms of turning on your partner." 

Here's what's causing your down-there itching

"Some of my friends ask me what the heck their vaginal itching could be caused by—they say they can't possibly have a yeast infection because they don't have the hallmark white discharge. The first question I ask is what kind of underwear they've been wearing. If it's, say, satin or lacy thongs, I tell them to switch to cotton briefs.

 Often, that does the trick. But what they're surprised to learn is that even if they don't have discharge, they could still have a yeast infection. Sometimes the symptom is dryness, and that's where the itching is coming from. So if you've got an itch that doesn't go away, see your doctor."and talk  about it

Really, every ob/gyn should feel like a bestie

"My friends ask me questions all the time, and I'm totally happy to answer anything. But I tell them: Your ob/gyn wants to know this too. Women are embarrassed to ask their own doctors questions that they think are too silly or highly personal, but that's basically anything you would go to see your gynecologist for!

 If you feel like something is wrong, it's always better to talk it over with your gyno than to sit at home and worry about it—or worse, have a problem that could have been easily treated turn into something serious because you didn't bring it up. No topic is taboo, and trust me, you couldn't shock us if you tried. We won't judge, think something is gross, or call you a bad mom. Open up and you'll feel way better." 



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